Get a Well Architected  Review, For Free

What is Well-Architected Framework?

The Well-Architected Framework has been developed by AWS to help cloud architects and customers build the most secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for their applications. It provides a way to consistently measure and identify areas for improvement. The Well-Architected Review program has certified a handful of partners in this framework, giving them the tools and training to assess workloads against the five pillars of the framework. We are one of those select AWS partners.



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Five Pillars of the AWS Well Architected Framework

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As a member of the AWS Well-Architected Framework Program, kloia provides a free-of-charge Well-Architected Review which takes a few hours by following a detailed report of your current AWS architecture. We will then spend a couple of days to implement those recommendations and best practices With Well Architected Framework Review, you will be also able to get $5000 AWS credit.

kloia is a reliable AWS partner with a strong track record of helping customers better leverage AWS with no charge. Let us know how we can help you with a free Well-Architected Review.



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