Date: 01-Aug-2018
Accelerate .NET Mode...
Migrating legacy applications ...
kloia, new-era Solution Provider on DevOps, Cloud and Microservices, achieved to be the 3rd biggest Service Provider Company within the Bilisim 500+* category.
kloia team is growing rapidly and globally, now have customers world-wide, from US, UK, EU, Turkey and Dubai.
Our family is getting bigger every minute, every hour, every day! Thank you for choosing us. Special thanks to Customers who are innovating with us.
* Companies younger than 3 years old
Derya, a.k.a. Dorian, ex-CTO of an subsidiary, is currently working as Cloud and DevOps Consultant at kloia.
Migrating legacy applications ...
In today’s rapidly evolving te...
Amazon just dropped Aurora DSQ...
In today's computing landscape...
The software development lands...