), these metrics were only per-pod metrics like CPU utilization. With the latest Kubernetes (with apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta2 as of writing this
) supports more options for metrics; per-pod metrics like Memory Utilization, Object metrics, or external metrics that can come from basically anywhere like Prometheus.
For example, if you pick CPU Utilization as a metric and pick %50, then HPA will query the CPU utilization periodically using the metrics server (which is 15 seconds default) through the controller manager. Whenever these queries show more than %50 CPU utilization, HPA will increase the number of pods to meet with the given CPU utilization.
When To Use Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
A more important question is when to use HPA rather than how. The most appropriate use case for HPA would be preventing down-time and performance problems caused by unexpected traffic spikes. If you define your pod’s container resource requests and limits the right way, then HPA would be perfect to use for these situations because it works better than manually scaling deployments.
However, if you have a planned event which will create a big traffic spike, scaling manually before that event would probably make more sense because HPA is not working super fast to compensate for traffic spikes. The reason is HPA’s cooldown period. After a scale-out or in event, HPA will wait for some time, and then if needed it will continue scaling your resources.
Let’s make a small demonstration to see HPA in action. For this blog post, I’ve written a small Node.JS server and dockerized it for Kubernetes.
To create the deployment and service for this demo;
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata: name: node-hpa spec: maxReplicas: 10 minReplicas: 1 scaleTargetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: node-hpa targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
After seeing that our deployment is scaled, we can remove the load generator by stopping the command on the load-generator pod.
Because of the cooldown period of HPA, the scale-in activity will probably take more time. After that, we’ll see that our deployment is scaled-in and the number of pods is decreased to the necessary amount.
In this blog post, we’ve seen what HPA is and it behaves. We have seen what HPA does for our scalable resources (which can be deployments, replica sets, replication controllers, and stateful sets) and how it increases or decreases the number of pods by comparing current metrics with given thresholds.
We covered use cases to use HPA and then did a small demo to see HPA in action. We reviewed scaling events with using kubectl.