
Manage Terraform AWS resources with Ease:

The cloud computing landscape has witnessed exponential growth, with Amazon Web Services (AWS) emerging as the undisputed leader.

Manage Terraform AWS resources with Ease:

The cloud computing landscape has witnessed exponential growth, with Amazon Web Services (AWS) emerging as the undisputed leader. While AWS offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability, managing its complexity can be a daunting task. This is where cloud management platforms like come into play. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into, exploring its features, benefits, and practical use cases specifically tailored for AWS environments with Terraform.

Understanding is a cloud management platform that specializes in simplifying the management of AWS infrastructure. Centralizing run execution and state storage, enhances collaboration, accelerates provisioning, and offers unmatched flexibility. Whether you’re a seasoned infrastructure engineer or just getting started, empowers you to confidently build and manage your infrastructure.



Scalr Structure

The Scalr organizational model is broken up into the three components listed below. The model allows for object inheritance and assignment as well as visibility of Terraform or OpenTofu workspaces and runs from an admin perspective.


Account Scope: Primarily an administrative control plane where environments, IAM, policies, modules, variables, integrations, and more are maintained. Administrators have the ability to create objects at the account scope and then assign them to underlying environments to provide an inheritance model. The account scope also serves as a global dashboard with views of all workspaces, run operations, and reports across environments.

Environment Scope: Environments enable self-service for platform teams looking to decentralize their operations and enable development teams. Environments are isolated groupings of workspaces, teams, policies, variables, and more. Users and teams can only access environments they have been given explicit permissions to.

Workspaces: Workspaces are the child of an environment. This is where Terraform and OpenTofu runs are executed, the state is stored, and all objects related to the deployments are linked. Each workspace is linked to a single state file.

Deep Dive into Features

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Define and manage your AWS infrastructure using code, ensuring consistency and reproducibility.

Consistency: By defining infrastructure as code, you ensure that the same configurations are applied every time you deploy, reducing human errors and discrepancies.


Reproducibility: Infrastructure as Code allows you to recreate environments seamlessly, which is particularly useful for scaling applications, testing, and disaster recovery.

reproducibility supports IaC principles, allowing you to define your infrastructure using code. This approach offers several advantages:

Version Control: Track changes to your infrastructure over time. By using version control systems like Git, you can keep a history of changes, roll back to previous versions, and collaborate more effectively.


Collaboration: Multiple team members can work on the same infrastructure code. This fosters collaboration and ensures that changes are reviewed and tested before being deployed.

Testing: Validate infrastructure changes before deployment. By testing changes in a staging environment, you can catch issues before they affect production.

Automation: Automate infrastructure provisioning and updates. This reduces the time and effort required to manage your infrastructure and ensures that changes are applied consistently.


Automate routine tasks such as provisioning, configuration, and deployment, freeing up valuable time for strategic initiatives.


Task Automation: Automate mundane and repetitive tasks such as server provisioning, software installations, and updates.

Workflow Automation: Define workflows that streamline complex processes, ensuring tasks are executed in the correct sequence.

Scheduled Automation: Set up tasks to run on a regular schedule, ensuring that maintenance tasks are performed consistently.

scalr-setup provides powerful automation capabilities to streamline your workflows:

Custom Scripts: Create custom scripts to automate tasks. This allows you to tailor automation to your specific needs and workflows.

Scheduled Tasks: Run tasks on a regular schedule. This ensures that routine maintenance tasks are performed consistently and on time.

Event-Driven Automation: Trigger actions based on specific events. For example, you can automatically scale resources in response to changes in demand.

Configuration Management

Maintain desired state configurations for your AWS resources, ensuring compliance and reducing errors.


Desired State Configuration: Ensure that all resources are in the desired state, and automatically correct deviations.

Configuration Templates: Use pre-defined templates to ensure consistency across environments.

Drift Management: Detect and correct configuration drift, ensuring that your environments remain consistent over time.

Ensure your AWS resources are always in the desired state with’s configuration management features:


Configuration Drift Detection: Identify discrepancies between the desired and actual state. This helps you detect and correct configuration drift before it causes issues.


Automatic Remediation: Automatically fix configuration issues. can automatically apply corrections to ensure that resources remain in the desired state.

Compliance Checks: Verify compliance with organizational policies and industry standards. This ensures that your configurations meet required standards and helps you pass audits.

Security and Compliance

Implement robust security measures and compliance frameworks to protect your sensitive data.


Security Policies: Define and enforce security policies across your AWS environment.

Compliance Frameworks: Implement industry-standard compliance frameworks like HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI-DSS.

Real-Time Monitoring: Continuously monitor your environment for security threats and compliance violations.


Protect your AWS environment with’s robust security features:

IAM Role Management: Create and manage IAM roles with granular permissions. This ensures that users have the appropriate level of access and reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

Security Group Management: Define and manage security groups to control network traffic. This helps you protect your instances from unauthorized access and attacks.

Vulnerability Scanning: Identify and address vulnerabilities. helps you detect vulnerabilities in your environment and provides tools to remediate them.

Compliance Reporting: Generate reports on compliance status. These reports provide insights into your compliance posture and help you demonstrate compliance to auditors and stakeholders.

Cost Management

Track and optimize cloud spending, identifying cost-saving opportunities.


Cost Tracking: Monitor your cloud spending in real-time, and get detailed reports on usage and costs.

Budget Alerts: Set up alerts to notify you when spending exceeds predefined thresholds.

Optimization Recommendations: Receive recommendations for optimizing your cloud spending, such as rightsizing instances and eliminating unused resources.

Optimize your cloud spending with’s cost management capabilities:


Cost Tracking: Monitor cloud usage and costs. provides detailed reports on your cloud spending, helping you understand where your money is going.

Cost Allocation: Allocate costs to different departments or projects. This helps you understand the cost of different initiatives and manage budgets more effectively.

Cost Optimization Recommendations: Identify opportunities to reduce costs. provides recommendations for optimizing your cloud spending, such as rightsizing instances and eliminating unused resources.

Monitoring and Alerting

Monitor the health and performance of your AWS resources, receiving timely notifications for critical issues.


Custom Metrics: Define and track custom metrics that are critical to your business.

Real-Time Alerts: Set up real-time alerts for critical issues, ensuring that you can respond quickly.

Performance Dashboards: Use dashboards to visualize the health and performance of your Infrastructure.


Keep track of your AWS resources’ health and performance with’s monitoring and alerting features:

Custom Metrics: Define custom metrics to monitor specific aspects of your infrastructure. This allows you to track the metrics that matter most to your business.

Real-Time Monitoring: Monitor resources in real time. This helps you detect issues as they occur and respond quickly

Use Cases for in AWS Environments

Accelerating Development and Deployment

Infrastructure Provisioning: Rapidly create and provision AWS resources (EC2 instances, VPCs, S3 buckets, etc.) using pre-defined templates. This allows teams to get environments up and running quickly, reducing the time to market for new features.

Environment Management: Manage multiple development, testing, and production environments consistently. ensures that all environments are configured the same way, reducing discrepancies and the “it works on my machine” problem.


Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Integrate with CI/CD pipelines to automate the deployment process. This integration allows for faster and more reliable deployments, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Define infrastructure as code using tools like Terraform or CloudFormation, and manage it efficiently through This practice allows teams to manage and provision resources consistently and at scale.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency

Configuration Management: Maintain consistent configurations across multiple AWS environments. This reduces configuration drift and ensures that environments remain stable and predictable.


Patch Management: Automate the application of security patches and updates. This ensures that all systems are up to date and reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities.

Cost Optimization: Analyze cloud usage patterns and identify cost-saving opportunities. provides insights into usage patterns and suggests ways to optimize costs, such as shutting down unused instances or choosing cost-effective storage options.

Capacity Planning: Forecast resource needs and optimize resource allocation. This helps prevent resource shortages or over-provisioning, ensuring that you only pay for what you need.

Compliance Management: Ensure adherence to industry regulations and standards. helps you implement and monitor compliance with various regulatory frameworks, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.

Improving Security and Compliance

IAM Management: Manage IAM roles and policies effectively to control access to AWS resources. This ensures that users only have access to the resources they need, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.




Security Group Management: Define and manage security groups to protect your network. Security groups act as virtual firewalls, controlling inbound and outbound traffic to your instances.

Vulnerability Management: Scan for vulnerabilities and remediate them promptly. helps you identify and fix security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Compliance Reporting: Generate reports on compliance status. These reports provide insights into your compliance posture and help you demonstrate compliance to auditors and stakeholders.

Enabling DevOps Practices

Collaboration: Foster collaboration among development, operations, and security teams. provides tools and workflows that facilitate collaboration and ensure that everyone is on the same page.


Self-Service Provisioning: Empower developers to provision resources independently. This reduces bottlenecks and allows developers to work more efficiently.

Conclusion is a valuable tool for managing AWS environments, offering a range of features to simplify operations, enhance efficiency, and improve security. By leveraging’s capabilities, organizations can optimize their cloud investments and achieve greater business agility. Whether you’re looking to accelerate development, enhance operational efficiency, improve security, or enable DevOps practices, provides the tools and insights you need to succeed.

Strategic Benefits of Using

Increased Agility enables organizations to respond quickly to changing business requirements. By automating infrastructure provisioning and management, development teams can rapidly spin up new environments, deploy updates, and scale resources in response to demand. This agility helps businesses stay competitive in a fast-paced market.

Enhanced Collaboration fosters collaboration across development, operations, and security teams. By providing a centralized platform for managing infrastructure as code, automating workflows, and monitoring resources, ensures that all team members have access to the same information and tools. This collaboration leads to more efficient workflows, fewer miscommunications, and faster problem resolution.

Improved Governance and Compliance

Maintaining compliance with industry regulations and organizational policies is crucial for many businesses.’s robust security and compliance features help organizations implement and enforce compliance frameworks, conduct regular audits, and generate compliance reports. This not only reduces the risk of non-compliance penalties but also builds trust with customers and stakeholders.

Cost Efficiency

Cloud spending can quickly spiral out of control without proper management.’s cost management capabilities provide detailed insights into cloud usage and spending, helping organizations identify cost-saving opportunities and optimize resource allocation. By implementing cost tracking, budget alerts, and optimization recommendations, businesses can achieve significant savings and allocate resources more effectively.

Reliability and Performance

Ensuring the reliability and performance of AWS resources is essential for maintaining business continuity and delivering a positive user experience.’s monitoring and alerting features allow organizations to track the health and performance of their infrastructure in real-time, receive timely notifications of issues, and take proactive measures to prevent downtime. This focus on reliability and performance helps maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Final Thoughts

In today’s digital age, managing cloud infrastructure effectively is a critical component of business success. offers a comprehensive solution that addresses the complexities of AWS management, empowering organizations to harness the full potential of their cloud investments. By adopting, businesses can streamline operations, enhance security, optimize costs, and drive innovation.

Investing in is not just about managing your AWS resources more efficiently—it’s about transforming your approach to cloud management, enabling your organization to achieve its strategic objectives, and positioning yourself for long-term success in an increasingly competitive market. is more than just a cloud management tool; it’s a strategic asset that can propel your business forward.


Ahmet Aydın

Senior DevOps Consultant @kloia