
Web UI Automation

Automate Manual Tests
 Thorough QA testing means an excessive amount of test cases, which tie your hands. Automate your manual tests to set your hands free!
Test & Deliver Fast
 Automation projects enable you to test and deliver apps faster and without effort, saving time and money that can be spent elsewhere.


A Fine Balance Between Quality and Quantity
Manual testing limits you to the speed and attention of humans - quality may be traded to meet the deadlines in large tasks. With the power of automation, you can tackle large tasks without hindering the quality.

Why would you need automation?

Imagine a project getting updates and new features every week. And imagine you need to test that these brand new features work as intended and ensure that updates do not break any core functionality. With manual testing, this means a constant workload that increases with every sprint. This means spending more time and money that could have been used in a better way.

Automation fixes this. Once the automation structure is in place, the testing processes can proceed in the background on their own, saving you time and needless effort.


Our ways, not our way

As kloia, we do not contain ourselves inside the box. Actually, we are not contented with being outside of the box either. As your consultant, we observe different boxes and follow new trends and new toolsets to be up-to-date. It’s our mindset not to shape our customers’ needs of what we have but find and use proper tools that suit yours.

Whether you follow BDD, TDD or ATDD; or whether the project is based on Java, Ruby or Python, we assure you that our solution will be tailor-made just for you and fit like a glove for your expectations.

How we work

Roadmap identification: We analyze your project, find out what you need, choose the best tool stack and infrastructure that suit your needs, and create a roadmap by assigning the teams for them to deliver items from the list. We continue to improve this roadmap and deliver items with you throughout this entire process.

Technical onboarding: We build test automation project infrastructure and create project standards such as naming conventions, coding rules, project scopes, approaches to be applied in the projects, the libraries, and 3rd party integrations. Our services are not just about developing test automation scenarios, they are about enabling the whole team to write automation with pair and hands-on coding sessions. We also believe that documentation is an integral part of the entire process.

Culture expansion: What differentiates kloia from other consultancy companies is our desire to pass on the knowledge and culture of the test to the members of your company. Our aim is to leave you in a self-contained state at the end of our service.

Web UI Automation

Do not put all your tests on one platform

Users prefer different browsers suited to their tastes. And every browser may behave differently for the tests you created. It is important to test your product across different browsers, devices, and platforms to ensure that it works as it should be on every possible combination. With the help of a cross-browser testing tool such as Continuous Testing Platform, you can test your website’s functionality across Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, Safari, and other browsers.

Through cross-browser testing, you can find answers to these questions:

Code validation: Are there any browsers reporting code errors?

Performance: Is the website slow or even causing crashes?

Responsive design: Is the design responsive all the time?

Unpredictable UI: Does any further design flaw exist?

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