2 Days
This training provides detailed information about unit testing that is one of the most crucial part for enterprise applications.
On the first day of training, JUnit basics will be the main topic. While training, you will be able to learn all the below methodologies and technologies effectively by practicing them.
On the second day of training, mocking will be the main topic. This section provides bases and detailed information for mocking and verifying applications having dependencies and many hands-on examples are made by participants.
At the end of this training, attendee will able to:
Have explanations of reasoning for writing unit tests.
Have experience writing testable codes.
Have knowledge on JUnit architecture.
Write unit tests for modern Java applications.
Verify complex behaviors of applications using assertions and matchers.
Understand and use intercepting unit test using JUnit rules.
Write tests for cross dependent classes by decoupling dependencies using Mockito framework.
Use PowerMock framework where Mockito is not satisfying.
Write tests for MVC elements.
DAY 1:
Course Introduction
Unit Testing Introduction
JUnit Runners
JUnit Suites
JUnit Annotations and Fixtures
Complex Assertions and Matchers
Parameterized Tests
DAY 2:
Recap 1st Day
Rules & Exception Testing
Mocking Introduction
Mocking Static & Private Methods Using PowerMock
Verification & Matching in Mockito
Argument Captors
WebMVC Unit Testing